No Nuke Weapon: How Khamene’ei thinks?

Document Type : Research Article (International Relation)


Assistance Professor of International Relations, Center of History of Islamic Revolution, Faculty of Culture Studies, Comprehensive University of Imam Hussein, Tehran, Iran



Jurisprudence is a knowledge that provides responses to individual and societal behaviors of a Muslim. So, to find the proper behavior patterns, the Islamic government has to refer to jurisprudence. Islamic Republic of Iran has been recently accused of being in pursue of acquiring nuclear weapons and such an allegation has been faced with a recent decree issued by the supreme leader Ayatullah Khamene’ei in which it is clearly stated that any sort of keeping, proliferation and use of nuclear arms is canonically forbidden. Of course, this has per se been always a controversial issue for the Islamic communities that whether it is permissible to make use of such weapons in confrontation with the danger of an enemy equipped with them or not? The current article is seeking to find an answer to the question as to “what are the canonical proofs of banning the nuclear weapons application from the perspective of Ayatullah Khamene’ei?” I used descriptive-analytical method based on first hand sources. It has been made clear that one should transcend beyond the instrumental levels to gain a clear insight of the embargos and the following fundamental questions within the three realms, namely the philosophy of creation, political philosophy and the mankind’s position in Islam, should be first answered. The type of the answers forms the interpretations of the Ayat (Verses) and Narratives are conceived, especially when conflicts arise.


  • Receive Date: 19 October 2024
  • Accept Date: 19 October 2024