Indian presence in Afghanistan through Iran: Economic and Security Impact

Document Type : Research Article (International Relation)


1 Assistant professor of international relations at Alameh Tabataba’I University

2 M.A student of international relations at Alameh Tabataba’I University


Economic exchanges have long exerted great influence on the relations between nations and nations in various political, social and cultural dimensions, and these effects are increasing in current international relations. Given that the countries of Iran and India are opponents of terrorist and takfiri groups in the region and the country of Afghanistan is one of the main headquarters of the terrorists in the region, it is one of the prerequisites for full and coherent use for security in the economic exchanges of the region.
Regarding what has been mentioned, the main question of the paper is about the effect of Indian presence in Afghanistan regarding security and economy?  And the main hypothesis of this paper is that the presence of India in Afghanistan has increased the economic interactions between Iran, Afghanistan and India, and, in addition to the establishment of security cooperation, the internal context of creating insecurity in the region is reduced. The research method used in this article is descriptive-analytical and has used library studies to compare the results of economic exchanges on security creation.
First of all, interdependence views have been used to designate India's economic presence in Afghanistan;  and the results of this paper can point to a rise in the economic ties between Iran, India and Afghanistan, leading to an increase in the interests of the three countries, a new balance, the more emphasize and importance of Asian markets Middle and more security in Afghanistan.


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Volume 5, Issue 1
March 2018
Pages 55-82
  • Receive Date: 02 October 2019
  • Revise Date: 18 October 2019
  • Accept Date: 22 November 2019