Global Dimensions and Impacts of Iran’s Islamic Revolution

Document Type : Research Article (International Relation)


Associate Professor, College of Islamic Doctrine and Political Science, Imam Sadiq University


The victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran at the end of the seventies was one of the important events and developments of the 20th century, whose occurrence surprised all theorists and political analysts. However, assessing the impacts’ dimensions of the Islamic Revolution on the international system was a matter that has still retained its significance from the first years of the victory of the revolution until now, i.e., almost three decades later, which has been an important topic of interest to writers and analysts in the region and around the world.
This article is an attempt to evaluate and analyze these effects, through which, the author is trying to discuss the nature and extent of these effects by citing the existing references and evidence using the writings and literature published in this context.


Main Subjects

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Volume 8, Issue 1
March 2021
Pages 1-15
  • Receive Date: 01 October 2019
  • Revise Date: 18 October 2019
  • Accept Date: 05 November 2019