Comprehensive Model for the Fight against Terrorism: A Political Sociology Approach

Document Type : Research Article (Political Sociology)


Professor of Political Sciences Faculty at Imam Sadiq University


The increase of terrorist acts and the essential, methodological and instrumental evolution of terrorism have led to the emergence of various forms of terrorist acts that cannot be combated with conventional and existing patterns. In this study, the researcher has addressed the comprehensive model for the fight against terrorism in order to enhance the domestic knowledge of this phenomenon and to pay attention to the practical needs existed in this field. The researcher by using descriptive-analytical method aims to identify both positive and negative aspects of comprehensive model for fighting terrorism. This model is based on six strategic policies as follows:
A) Policies designed and implemented for the purpose of physical confrontation, weakening and/or elimination of terrorist unit, such as information dominance, organizational empowerment and operational dominance.
B) Policies designed to socialize counter-terrorism and are meant to create a powerfully integrated society which has a high degree of impenetrability and certitude in potential terrorist acts. From this perspective, the priority is given to strengthen internal consistency, to heighten public awareness, and to increase the threshold of social tolerance and insight.


Main Subjects

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Volume 7, Issue 1
March 2020
Pages 1-20
  • Receive Date: 01 November 2018
  • Revise Date: 14 December 2018
  • Accept Date: 02 February 2019