The Islamic Strategic Requirements in Political Realm

Document Type : Research Article (Political Sociology)


Associate Professor of Political Sciences Faculty at Imam Sadiq University


The expression of the reality that there is a relationship between the political system and the knowledge type in all societies that contributes to the establishment and continuity of power, guides us to discuss the ideal political knowledge in Iran, appropriate to the Islamic strategic teachings. In other words, Islam has its own requirements impacting all scientific realms including political science. From this viewpoint, the major question is: “What is the strategic requirement of Islam in political realm”? To answer this question, the researcher has tried, using the comparative method, to clarify the differences between the Islamic policy and the secular policy, and then to suggest a new political model. This new model is under the influence of the Islamic teachings from four aspects, namely: first ontological aspect which compares the two-dimensional Islamic viewpoint with the one-dimensional viewpoint of secularism; second, epistemology that compares the software approach of Iranian culture with the hostile one; third, providence that considers salvation as a substitute for hegemonism; and forth, methodology that suggests morality as an alternate for instrumentalism.


Main Subjects

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Volume 4, Issue 1
March 2017
Pages 29-45
  • Receive Date: 01 October 2016
  • Revise Date: 16 November 2016
  • Accept Date: 10 January 2017