Anti-Arrogance and Support of Oppressed across the World in Imam Khomeini’s Foreign Policy Thoughts Emphasizing on the Semantics of Suppression and Arrogance in Almizan Interpretation

Document Type : Research Article (Political Thought)


1 Assistant professor of political sciences faculty at Imam Sadiq University

2 Doctoral student in governmental management and general policy making


In this paper, it will be tried to explain the Quranic documents about anti-arrogance and support of Oppressed across the world according to Almizan interpretation, employing the text-based interpretation. Then it will be shown that these two principles have been focused and revived by Imam Khomeini. In fact it will be proved that Imam Khomeini has attempted to review the concepts of anti-arrogance and support of Oppressed across the world inspiring by the holy Quran, and has established them as two columns of his internal and foreign policy. Meanwhile it will be tried to study the concepts of anti-arrogance and support of Oppressed, their dimensions, their types, and their components according to Imam Khomeini’s viewpoint to show that the Quranic concept of anti-arrogance and support of Oppressed across the world is among the key components of his thoughts in the direction of realization of the universal government of Islam.


Main Subjects

The Holy Quran
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Volume 6, Issue 1
March 2019
Pages 19-43
  • Receive Date: 13 April 2018
  • Revise Date: 09 May 2018
  • Accept Date: 03 June 2018