Sociopolitical Justice in Three Jurisprdential, Philosophical and Sociological Approaches

Document Type : Research Article (Political Sociology)


Associate Professor of Political Science at Imam Sadiq University


Justice has been reflected upon by various religious and nonreligious thinkers since ancient times. In Islam, discussions of justice among theologians started in different sects with a discussion of divine justice and gradually expanded to reach discussions of social and political justice. While examining the various aspects of sociopolitical justice in Islam, this article makes an attempt to follow this concept in three jurisprudential, philosophical and sociological approaches among contemporary Muslim thinkers. In this respect, the views of three thinkers, who paid attention to this concept in their works, is of significance. To this end, the views of Allâmé Mirzâ Hoseyn Nâini will be discussed from the Islamic jurisprudential point of view, those of Ayatollah Mortezâ Motahari from the philosophical point of view and those of Dr. Ali Shariati from the sociological point of view. This study will also make an attempt to establish landmarks in the discussion of justice, with which the reader can make a comparative study. For this purpose, the philosophical, social and sociological foundations of justice will be emphasized and various aspects of justice (political, social, economic and philosophical justice) will be identified and introduced accordingly.


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Volume 2, Issue 1
March 2015
Pages 47-80
  • Receive Date: 18 May 2015
  • Revise Date: 01 July 2015
  • Accept Date: 22 August 2015