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The Formation of the Attitude Towards "Social Responsibility" in the Holy Quran, with the Approach of Functional Model in Social Psychology | ||
Interdisciplinary Studies of Quran & Hadith | ||
Volume 1, Issue 2, October 2023, Pages 147-168 PDF (372.86 K) | ||
Document Type: Original Article | ||
DOI: 10.30497/isqh.2023.77079 | ||
Authors | ||
seyyed sajjad tabatabaee nejad1; Nouruddin zandieh2; Mousa Rahimi3 | ||
1Assistant Professor, Department of of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Culture and Communication, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran. | ||
2Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic and Hadith sciences, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Imam Sadiq University, Tehran, Iran. | ||
3Assistant Professor, Department of Turkish language and Litrature, Allameh Tabataba’i university, Tehran, Iran. | ||
Receive Date: 22 January 2024, Accept Date: 22 January 2024 | ||
Abstract | ||
The evolution of "attitude" is one of the central themes in social psychology, manifesting in various models within this discipline. The Quranic strategies in shaping attitudes can be unveiled by revisiting the verses of the Holy Quran through the lens of social psychology in an interdisciplinary study. These attitudes are formed through a Quranic approach, grounded in the models of attitude formation in psychology, regarding fundamental issues. One such fundamental concept in social sciences and Quranic literature, crucial for the survival of any society, is “social responsibility.” This article, utilizing a descriptive-analytical method based on the "functional" model—one of the most widely recognized models in social psychology for attitude formation—examines the formation of attitudes towards "social responsibility." Through a reinterpretation of divine verses and adhering to the components of an interdisciplinary study, Quranic strategies in this regard are extracted. According to the findings, the Quran, by reading society sociably and considering humans as responsible, introduces strategies such as "social cooperation for livelihood," "cultivating responsibility within the family context," "instilling a reflective self-view," and "advocating patience and social interaction" within the framework of religious brotherhood to shape attitudes toward social responsibility along the trajectory of this model. | ||
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